New Mexico Tourism

Brand Strategy / Identity / Art Direction / Film & Broadcast / Branded Content / Digital / OOH / Print / Website / Co-op Program



Overnight visits were down and the economy was in a recession. The research revealed people thought New Mexico was a hot, dry, and brown place where there was no water, nothing to do, and it might not even be part of the United States.


The impressions of New Mexico were mostly misperceptions, and the truth aligns perfectly with experiences sought by the “Venturers” travel segment. My job as a creative director was to simply tell the state’s truth in the most compelling way possible.


For every $1 of tax revenue spent the campaign returned $3. The speed at which this 3-to-1 ROI was reached was unprecedented. The state saw the largest boost in awareness and ROI of any that had been measured by Longwoods International.

They Sit

The Landscape

Welcoming Land


It’s Me Versus You

Alpine Glow

Case Study Recap

The Trip Itself


Launch Anthem

My Soul


Pabst Blue Ribbon